01562 820212 [email protected]
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Men’s Walk-in

Clippers All Over £14.00
Clippers all over 2 grades fade £15.50
Back And Side Trim £15.50
Wet Cut & Finish £18.50
Skin Fade £20.00
Complete restyle without wash and blowdry £23.00
Cut-throat Shape up£17.00
Beard Trim £8.50
Beard Clean Edges£6.00
Child U-16 Cut £14.50
Over 66's Cut £14.50
Men's W/C/BD £25.00
Over 66's W/C/BD£22.50
Boys/Girls 1-2 years £10.00 (15mins max)
Skin Fade B/S & Under 16s Skin Fade £16.00

Ladies Hair

Girls Cuts From£14.50
Wet Cut and Dry Finish £27.50
Restyle Wet Cut £33.00
Wash Cut Blow & Finish* £38.50
Wash Restyle Cut Blow & Finish* £48.00
Wash & Blow £27.00
Over 66's Cut £19.50
Over 66's Wash Cut & Blow £28.50
Fringe Trim From £5.50
Put Ups From £40

Men’s Colour Me

Colour Slice Each (Not including Blow Dry) £10.00
Part Head Or Tips £35.00
Full Head Cap £50.00
Redken Camo Grey Cover £25.00
Mens Perm £52.00

Ladies Colour

Full Head (Roots Only) £65.00
Full Head Colour (Short)£66.00
Full Head Colour (Long)£72.00
Fashion Techniques £87.00

*Olaplex included in price.

*Blowdry not included.

Ear Piercing

One Stud £15.00
Two Studs -& Top Ear (1 ear only)£20.00
*Including Stud and Ear Care Solution.

Hair Extensions

Extension Labour (per row) £30.00
Remy Hair Price on consultation
Clips (each) 50p each

For hair extension pricing, consultation is required.

Please use the button below to contact the salon to book your consultation with us.

Foils/ Spatula

Half Head £73.00
Full Head £89.00
T Section £56.00
Colour Slice each £12.00
Colour Correction Price On Consultation
Perm From £75.00
Spiro Perm From£95.00
Colour Toner£14.00
Balayage Colour Quote£46.00 per hour
Thick Or Long Hair £10 Extra On Each Colour Service

Colour info: Skin test is a requirement 48 hours before most colour works. Given free when booking.

*Finish Includes Straighten Or Tong Where Required.

*Blowdry not included.

contact our salon

To make an appointment or enquire about one of our products, please fill out the contact form below!

For appointments today, please call the salon on 01562 820212.

14 + 2 =


01562 820212


Harpers Hair Salon, Prospect Hill, Kidderminster, DY10 1PA.